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Achieve has a strong career and employ-ability component to its Career Choice curriculum. Students are required to complete a minimum of .5 credits in the area of the career choices coursework. Students ages 16 or older have the opportunity to earn up to 1 elective credit for work study and/or volunteer/internships outside of school. The full-time career coordinator works with students individually to complete interest surveys, employment applications, Ohio Means Jobs modules, job readiness skills and numerous other important areas of career and job readiness. Students are invited to weekly career workshops where they learn valuable employ-ability skills, create resumes, and experience real-life employers and guest speakers in diverse career fields. Students are placed in working/volunteering, or internship positions, based on age, skills, interests, availability, level or work experience and several other important factors. Achieve students take numerous field trips throughout the year, all of which are career and college focused.

Achieve offers its students the opportunity to enroll in a secondary school to earn college and high school credit through the successful completion of college courses.  CCP is intended to provide expanded opportunities for appropriately qualified high school students to experience coursework at the college or university level.

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