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Achieve Career Preparatory Academy
Achieve Career Preparatory Academy is permanently closed as of June 30, 2023
Board of Directors
Rachel Hannon- President
Jacqueline Banks- Vice President
Vincent Riccardi- Treasurer
Diana Bush Secretary
Audrey Johnson- Member
How much does it cost to replace a student ID and bus card?The cost to replace a student ID or bus card is $5.00. Bus cards come from Toledo Public Schools and can take up to 7 days to arrive in the mail.
How soon can my student start once the registration is complete?Please allow 24 hours for our office to complete the enrollment process that you have begun. If the packet is complete and no documents are missing, your student should be able to start the next day. An incomplete packet will delay the start of school for your child.
How long will the new student registration process take?Please allow up to 1 hour for the process to take place.
Who can enroll my student if I'm not available?Only a parent or legal guardian with “rights to records” or “educational guardian” can register/enroll students.
What will happen if I don't have all the required documentation when I come to register?Failure to provide all documentation will delay the start of school for your student. A student can attend the academy only after ALL required documentation has been submitted and verified.
My child is behind in credits. How can the academy get my child back on track?We offer GradPoint, an online program which allows students to take courses onsite to recover credits with certified teachers.
What documents do I need to bring to register a student?· Student Birth Certificate · Proof of residency/address verification · Parent/guardian photo ID · Current immunization record · Custody paperwork, if applicable
Will my student receive an accredited high school diploma?Yes. The academy is accredited by the State of Ohio and, as such, graduating students earn an accredited high school diploma.
What is the enrollment process?Call to make an appointment Complete an enrollment packet Turn in registration documents
What is credit recovery? How soon will my student receive credit for courses?Credit recovery is an educational strategy that gives high school students the opportunity to retake a course and earn academic credit. Students work at their own pace and determine how soon they earn their credit. All students earn ½ credit hour for each GradPoint class they complete.
Are there any other documents I need?We will ask you to sign a “release of records form” that we will send to your previous school seeking documents, such as: Transcript Current Individualized Education Program (IEP) and evaluation team report, if applicable Section 504 evaluation, plan, and related reports, if applicable
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